Oxygen Maritime Management is dedicated to provide services to the shipping market at the highest possible level with respect to safety, environmental protection, health and performance standards.

Oxygen has set a long-term aspiration to achieve Safety and Environmental excellence, by setting its goals to be zero incidents and zero spills. Oxygen aims to reach these long-term aspirations and goals through continuous improvement.

Oxygen promotes the concepts of safety and environmental excellence and expects all employees from the top management to every seafarer serving on board to participate in the effort to achieve and sustain long-term improvements towards a state of excellence.

Quality is our top priority

Quality is our top priority

Oxygen is committed to providing quality services, which consistently meet the requirements of both the industry and it's customers, whilst protecting its employees, both onboard and ashore, the environment and the assets under its management.

Oxygen strives to achieve this by establishing and discharging managerial and operational processes, which have emerged from the combination of sound managerial principles and long lasted experience in the shipping industry

Oxygen aims to remain a quality service provider by meeting customer requirements, developing and implementing controlled processes, continual improvements in operational responsiveness; complying with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISM Code as well as continually improving its Management System; complying with applicable statutory requirements, international legislation and classification society requirements related to the services provided; operating vessels without accident(s) or incident(s) that could endanger the Company's employees; the environment or assets under the Company's management; complying with current Health & Safety legislation and finally by developing employee skills and increasing their contribution through effective training.

Health, Safety Management & Environmental Protection

Health, Safety Management & Environmental Protection

It is Oxygen's policy to promote and enhance health and safety at sea, prevention of human injury and loss of life, welfare of employees and avoidance of any adverse impact on the environment (marine or otherwise), including property.

Oxygen strives to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe and health working environment, to prevent damage to the ship, her cargo and the environment, to establish safeguards against identified risks and to operate the ships within ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) levels of risk, to prevent loss of human life and personal injury and to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships.

Commitment to security

Commitment to security

Oxygen is committed to providing the appropriate security guidance, advice, documentation and necessary resources in order to meet the required security standards as set by the ISPS Code and any additional requirements that may be imposed in the future as well as its own security objectives.

Drugs & Alcohol

Drugs & Alcohol

Oxygen has a "zero tolerance" policy on D&A which provides that no seafarer employed shall navigate the vessel, operate machinery or carry out his duties whilst he is impaired by drugs or alcohol or suspected to be under the impairment of alcohol or drugs.

The consumption and possession of alcohol for private or any other use on board any Oxygen vessel is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

The possession, use, trafficking of any kind of illegal drugs for any reason on board Oxygen vessel is prohibited. Only prescribed medication is allowed on board the fleet vessels

Oxygen implements a very thorough and strict D&A testing to the seafarers both pre and during employment.

The Company maintains the right to terminate the employment of any seafarer who is found in violation of the D&A policy, which also includes refusal to be tested.



Oxygen has in place a solid internal control framework to ensure efficient proper financial & operational reporting. Policies in place include, yet are not limited to, Code of Ethics, Whistleblower policy, Data Privacy and others.

Oxygen actively contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The most relevant goals, Oxygen is aligned with, are: - Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-being, - Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, - Goal 13 - Climate Action, and - Goal 14 - Life Below Water.